Common questions from marketers

I have made a list of some of the questions
that I was asking my self about Network Marketing,
and later on talking to people I found out that they have the same questions as I had on the beginning.
So, here is a list of some of my favorite questions that helped me, and might help you
in your Network Marketing Career.
1. How do you decide which gurus to follow and take advice from?
I used to follow many gurus, and I wanted to implement all of their strategies and ideas.
But, no matter how good they sound, you should always stick to one guru or trainer that suite you the most and implement that one.
2. How did you manage to push away all the negativity from your life,
all the people that were trying to convince you
that this is not for you?

I must admit,that I didn't had that problem especially from friends and family, they were very supportive,
but if this is your case,
I suggest you to stand up for yourself and follow your goals.
If it's a true friend they must support you always.
Don't fall on the negativity.
Even if you fail, you will fail because of you,
not because of someone else.
And if you succeed, it will be also because of you.
3. How do you get over if you are failing and failing in your business?
I have fallen before in businesses and lost a lot of money.
But I didn't use that as an excuse to stop trying.
I looked back and realized where were my mistakes and I just moved on,
because I can not change the past.
I tried not to make the same mistakes in the future.
I analysed my mistakes. And I suggest you to do the same.
Look to the future, analyse and work even harder.
4. How can I be successful in my Network Marketing,
while I still hold on to a day job?

What I would suggest is to make a schedule of the most important things that you need to do, and accordingly do them in your free time.
During the working week concentrate more on prospecting and talking to the people.
And if you are free on the weekends I suggest you to work on your ideas for posts, blogging, live videos, so through the working week all you need to so is post them
5. How can you get support from your loved ones
when you are working extra hours and they are not happy?
That is simple. Just be present when you are with them,
interact with them and after that work smarter. Don't waste your time.
6. What do I post on my personal page vs. my fan page?
This is a good one. What I learned is that on both of them you must put VALUE.
On my profile I like to post also more Personal stuff,
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P.S. If you have any other questions that I might help, subscribe, leave a message.
I will be more than happy to help
Thank you for reading 😎
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