Lies that network marketers are telling you about their business opportunity

Why people don' want to join any network
marketing opportunity? 
The answer is very simple - because they might be lied.
And after they will be lied, they will not meet certain expectations, and they will blame their sponsor, company, the industry or themselves. 
So, if you want to get involved in network marketing or you want to start working online here are 7 common lies that might help you and recognize if the person who is trying to get you involved is telling the truth

1.It is easy

If someone tells you that is easy, first thing you will do, you will not take it seriously. Easy is your job that you hate, easy is your comfort zone. Watching TV, complaining, hanging out with the same people, all this things are easy. But if you want to change your life, if you want to get better, and to start working online it is not easy.

2. You will make a lot of money in a few days

One of the stupidest thing you can hear is how somebody that you don't know made a huge amount of money in a short period of time. First of all this this never happened, and if it did, it is not duplicatable. They are some short sighted network marketing opportunity companies that will give a huge check to certain leaders just to come on board, but this things are not diplicatable, and you should not believe and take it seriously the success of someone else making a lot of money in a short period. If you are trying to get rich quick , you will be broke on the end. 

3. You can build multiple companies at the same time 

One more lie. You must have the discipline to successfully build one company, if you ad another one to the mix, you will not be able to build even the first one.
A lot of people are following the big marketers how they are making money from multiple companies, but again this is not duplicatable. Networking is not about your efforts, but the efforts of those you bring on board.
When the others will see you are doing multiple companies, they will try to do that as well, and everything will collapse.

4. Follow our MLM system so you will never have to talk to friends or family

This is one of the most popular lies today. A lot of the people out there are poorly trained, and many MLM opportunity's might offer you that you don't need to contact friends and family, that you will be plugged into some magical system and the system will do it all for you. Do you know when you should NOT approach people that you know? Only when you don't believe in what are you doing, you are poorly trained and because of that you are scared to approach them. If you not believe in what you have or what are you doing, then why are you doing that? If you are terrible to talking to people, you don't need any MLM system that will do the work for you, you need to get better and you need a proper training.

5.  The product doesn't matter 

What you need to know in network marketing or any business opportunity is that there are 2 products and both of them matter. The first product is you, and if you don't believe in your self then nobody will. The second product is your companies product, and eventually it matters. So if your product is bad, that means that it will stop selling soon.

6. The compensation plan doesn't matter

Let's say if you are looking for a job, and one job has offer you bigger salary, and the other job smaller salary. Does this matter for you, or not ? 

7. You must spend a lot of money in advertising to make money

Some of the marketers out there will see you only as a dollar sign. They will try to sell you anything that they can get there hands too. I know when I was starting they were offering me different types of traffic, different types of adds I can use, and after a while I realized that they are referring me to their friends who is doing some type of adds, and how this will help me.  And this is very wrong. Network Marketing has the ability to be build without spending a lot of money on advertising, and you can help and teach someone even without spending money on advertising.  

I hope this post will help you when you will try to look for an opportunity
Thank you for reading and have a wonderful day 😊


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